Thursday, 20 March 2008

The Draftsman and Roman Heads

The draftsman on the painting is my fellow artist Michael Ornauer, who was so kind to pose for me. It was great fun to nail down the situation as quick as possible. The Roman heads turned out too orange because I used an LED light on my easel, which produced blue light. So the whole color balance shifted. A nice effect!

Der Zeichner im Bild ist mein Kollege Michael Ornauer, der sich freundlicherweise in mein Motiv setzte. Es machte viel Spaß die Situation so schnell als möglich zu erfassen. Für das Bild mit dem Römerköpfen verwendete ich eine LED Lampe mit zu blauen Licht, welches die orange Tönung hervorrief. Somit veränderte sich die ganze Farbstimmung. Ein netter Effekt!

The Draftsman | Der Zeichner, 40 x 30 cm, Oil on Canvaspanel

Head of a Kid | Kinderkopf, 40 x 30 cm, Oil on Canvaspanel


René PleinAir said...

Aah great new work from Stefan, and even better to see that Michael also is working from life again. Good for you two.

Viele grüße an Michael, I kann gar nicht warten auf etwas neues auf seine blog

Todd Bonita said...

Nice..really nice study here Stefan. Good to see your work again.


Frank A. said...

Stefan..Love these museum paintings. I really admire your solid drawing in these pieces. Makes for a solid, successful painting.

take care..

Stefan Nuetzel said...

René, thanks a lot. Michael, a few painters and I are planing this PA Season to do more Freiluft. We will see how ambitious we are.;-)

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Thank you, Todd.

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Hi Frank,
I have finally realized how important drawing is and focus more on it. That means that I spend more time and am more careful with the preliminary drawing in my paintings.

Michael Pieczonka said...

Love the feel in the top piece, very nice.

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Thanks, Michael!

Anonymous said...

Geniale Beleuchtung!
Eine wundervolle Gruppe...

*wink* Mo