This is for my Dutch cyber friend René. Painted in the vicinity of Vienna. There is a new blog about the PleinAir Workshop I am doing with Andrew Judd in September in one of the most beautiful countrysides of Austria. You will find the link here. ------>
Just the other night I went to a drawing class by a colleague of mine and did these 25 minute sketches. So I don´t hang around the museum all the time. The next post will be some plein air paintings I did.
It is very funny that almost every day when I am in the museum there are visitors from one nation who have the majority. On some it is the Spanish day on others the Asian or Italian. This time it was the day of Hungary. There were loads of Hungarian Schoolkids running past my easel, shouting and asking stupid questions. I finally gave up totally deranged.
A Painter living in Vienna/ Austria. Studied Graphic Design and Painting in Nuernberg. I will post on this blog paintings and sometimes stories related to them. All work here is available for sale.. please inquire for prices. | Ein Maler, lebt und arbeitet in Wien, studierte Grafik Design und Malerei in Nürnberg.
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