Sunday, 3 June 2007


The Badeschiff is a ship in the Danube Canal with a restaurant and a basin where you can go swimming. It is a littlebit weird because in the painting you can see that everybody can watch you from the promenade above. Michael had posted some photos of that place which you are able to see here.

Das Badeschiff ist ein Schiff im Donaukanal mit einem Restaurant und einem Bassin, in dem man schwimmen gehen kann. Es ist etwas eigenartig, denn aus dem Bild kann man entnehmen, daß man jederzeit von der Kanalpromenade beobachtet werden kann. Michael hat ein paar Fotos des Ortes mit seinem Bild gepostet, das man hier sehen kann.

Badeschiff, 24 x 30 cm, Oil on Canvaspanel


René PleinAir said...

Wow, a nice complex painting Stefan, well executed also.

I keep finding it a little odd, that "Badeschiff" though, a bit like flying around inside a air-balloon or racing inside a riding truck for that matter.

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Hi René, thanks and I find it also a bit odd, but like you have written in Michaels blog: Vienna is strange.

Paintopolis said...

nice work! Found you thru eric Mcleans site

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Hi James, I have already been to your blog because of W Wray. Thanks and I like your work too.

les lull said...

Love the contemporary feel of this piece Stefan. You know how to push the paint.

Stefan Nuetzel said...

Thanks Les, it isn´t so easy to bring the contemporary feel into the paintings of Vienna, because many spots here are from former times.