Friday 10 August 2007

Coffin | Sarg Part 2

The second day and the main painting is ready to receive the motives. My intention is to create not a dark, but rather a positive and transitional mood.

Der zweite Tag und die Grundbemalung ist bereit für die Motive. Meine Intention ist nicht eine düstere, sondern positive und transzendierende Stimmung zu erzielen.

The pinstriping is taped | Die Zierlinien sind abgeklebt.

I used transparent acrylic color for the second layer. | Ich verwendete transparente Akrylfarbe für die zweite Schicht.

Afterwards I sanded the surfaces with steelwool to emphasize the structures and edges. It gives the material also a slightly worn appearance. | Danach bearbeitete ich die Oberflächen mit Stahlwolle, um the Struktur und die Kanten zu betonen. Dadurch entsteht auch ein etwas verwitterter Eindruck.

The whole thing in my untidy studio. | Das ganze Ding in meinem unaufgeräumten Studio.


René PleinAir said...

Now that's something you don't see often in a artist studio!!

It gives the material also a slightly worn appearance.
Strange thought, worn appearance.
The idea that you re-use coffin's that is.

Did you get a coffin pointed out, or did you choose one, ... I mean I saw here in Holland some time ago an article about an artist who made coffins very beautiful ones, from plywood or blank birch one of them had the scape of an egg, such a lovely idea. I like the colors settings very much! Good job Stefan!

Stefan Nuetzel said...

René, this coffin was given to me and then I realized this ornament, which made the top sides difficult to paint on. You will see that I decided to paint only on the narrow top and the lower sides.
Thanks for your encouragement.